Is it wrong to ask for a lawyer if the police arrest or want to interrogate me?
Information about a person's right to ask for counsel before being interrogated by the police.
Is it wrong to ask for a lawyer if the police arrest or want to interrogate me?
Information about a person's right to ask for counsel before being interrogated by the police.
How do I go about getting a public defender if I can not afford counsel?
Public information about invoking the right to counsel before being interrogated by the police.
Are there types of cases where I can not get a court appointed public defender no matter how poor I am?
Information regarding the types of cases for which one can get a public defender.
How do I know if I am ?indigent-enough? to qualify for a public defender?
Information regarding income levels requirements to qualify for a public defender.
What is the Washington Office of Public Defense?
What does it mean to be indigent?
Who has a right to an appeal?
Will the state pay for the cost of my appeal?
How do I know if I am entitled to public counsel?
Who screens to determine if I am entitled to public counsel?
Is public counsel free?
Will I have to pay a portion of the cost for a public defender?
Who is an indigent person?
How much money do I have to make before I am considered not indigent?
If I receive public assistance am I also entitled to a public defender?
Do I have to provide financial records before I will be appointed a public defender?
Information about the right to counsel for low-income individuals living in Washington state.
May I represent myself without a lawyer?
Should I represent myself without a lawyer?
Careful discussion of whether or not a person should represent himself in a criminal case.
Do I qualify for a public defender?
How do I get a public defender in King County?
What is the Office of Public Defense?
How do I apply for a public defender?
What documents will I need to provide when applying for a public defender?
How long will I have to wait before being appointed a public defender?
Are public defenders free?
Can I interview for a public defender over the phone?
Can I get a public defender for a child support hearing?
Can I get a public defender if the state is taking away my children?
What if I need to file an appeal?
How do I get a public defender if I am in the King County Jail?
Can I get a public defender to help in a civil suit?
Can I get a public defender to help in my divorce?
Answers to frequently asked questions regarding retaining a lawyer for low-income persons. Discusses who qualifies for a public defender, the application process and related fees. Also includes contact information. Please note that the information provided here is specific to King County. If you do not live in King County, you may wish to consult for more information relating to your county.
By: editor1
Last Updated: September 30, 2011 - 5:16pm