Washinton benefits from a great variety of civics education initiatives. Attached is a list of those programs. It was last updated April 2013. It is maintained by the Council on Public Legal Education, lawforwa.org. Please send corrections and additions to .
The Washington Judges Foundation has made it possible to add two new Street Law classes to its program in which judges co-teach a practical law course with a teacher. Judges teach once per week for the semester. If you are interested and have a local judge you have connections to who might be interested, contact Margaret Fisher, . The judge-teacher training is August 18, 2012 at the AOC SeaTac Facility.
provide a list of volunteer opportunities with short description, contact info and/or link.
The Washington State Association of Youth Court has launched a blog at . The next statewide youth court training session is scheduled for October 20, 2012 at the Seattle University School of Law. All youth and adults involved in active youth courts in Washington are invited.For more information, contact Margaret Fisher,
On February 8, 2012, 28 Garfield High School students began their training to serve in the first-ever Seattle Youth Traffic Court. This constituted the formal start to the project formed with the Garfield High School, Seattle Municipal Court and the Seattle University School of Law. Law students assist high school students in their roles of judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, court staff, and jurors. The students decide on sentences for eligible defendants under 18 who have received civil traffic infractions within the city of Seattle. For more information, contact Magistrate Lisa Leone, .