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Know Your Rights
What are my Constitutional rights regarding the police?
Do I have a right to remain silent when approached by the police?
Do I have a right to remain silent when questioned by the police?
What is an unreasonable search?
What do I have to show to the police if I'm stopped in my car?
Do I have to talk to the police if I've been arrested?
Can I talk to a lawyer if I've been arrested by the police?
Who has a right to search my home?
Under what authority may someone search my home?
Can I be arrested in my home?
Can my home be searched if I'm arrested there?
What are police allowed to do if they have a search warrant?
Do I have to let the police search me or my home if they ask?
Do I have to talk to the police if they ask?
Do I have to answer questions when the police have a search warrant?
What if the police do not have a search warrant, but still want to search my home?
What happens if I talk to the police?
What should I do if the police stop me on the street?
Can I run away from the police?
What is a grand jury subpoena?
Do I have to respond to a grand jury subpoena?
Do I have to answer questions after I've been arrested?
Can the cops follow me or watch me?
What do I do if I think the cops are following me or watching me?
What can I do if I'm treated badly by the police?
What should I do if I am contacted by the INS?
Can I talk to a lawyer before answering any questions for the INS?
Do I have to answer questions about my immigration status?
Should I carry my green card with me?
If the INS arrests me, does it bring immigration charges?
Do I have a right to a bond hearing to ask for my release if I am arrested by the INS?
Do I have a right to a hearing to defend myself against deportation charges?
Can I call my consulate if I am arrested by the INS?
What happens if I give up my right to a hearing or leave the U.S. before my hearing is over?
What are my rights at airports?
May I be stopped and searched by a U.S. Customs agent at an airport?
Can my bags searched at the airport?
Can I be searched at the airport?
Can my bags be searched even though nothing was found when going through the detectors?
If I'm on an airplane, can I be interrogated or asked to get off the airplane?
Information regarding the rights of individuals and of the police/government in certain common situations. Discusses Constitutional rights, rights if contacted by the Police or the FBI, non-citizen interaction with INS officers, and rights at airports. Also available in Farsi, Hindi, Punjabi, Somali, Spanish, and Urdu. See .