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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
How can voters be protected?
Who can I complain to if I have had problems voting?
What is the Dodd-Conyers Act?
What is the Equal Protection of Voting Rights Act?
Should felons have voting rights?
What efforts are being made to permit some people with felony convictions to vote?
What is the Help America Vote Act?
How can churches become involved in defending the right to vote?
Where can I find information about the voting rights of racial and ethnic minorities?
What efforts are being made to address barriers to the exercise of voting rights?
How can I get involved?
The NAACP outlines plans to make sure that voting is accessible to everyone. Topics include access to voting, protecting current voters, and holding officials accountable. Also included are links to other pages covering a broad range of issues relating to voting, instructions on how people can get involved, and a form for complaining about problems encountered in voting.