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Disability Law


Americans with Disabilities Act (53)
Education (2)
Housing (3)
Rehabilitation Act (6)
Washington State Law (11)

Browse all the Lawforwa Resources on Disability Law

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Employment Rights Who has Them and Who Enforces Them
Source: United States Department of Labor

Provides a good overview of who enforces the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act and who is covered under the acts with contact information for those who need help.
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What to Do if You Think You Have Been Discriminated Against
Source: United States Department of Labor

Gives a good step by step procedure for filing a complaint for a violation of the ADA, the Rehabilition Act or other laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability.
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Title 42, Chapter 144 U.S. Code: Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights
Source: Cornell Law School/The Legal Information Institute

Section of the U.S. Code that describes the programs the government has designed to aid individuals with developmental disabilities and how they can participate in these programs.
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Supreme Court Decisions Narrow Definition of Disability
Source: Findlaw

Article discussing the definition of disability and how plaintiffs may prove the existence of a disability. Emphasizes the importance of individualized determinations.
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Supreme Court Narrows Scope of Disabilities Protection
Source: Findlaw

Article by Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP discussing the definition of disability and how plaintiffs may prove the existence of a disability.
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