Resource Description:
Questions answered by the resource:
Public Housing Evictions
Source: Northwest Justice Project
A brief explanation of what public housing tenants should do when the Housing Authority tries to evict them from public housing. Public housing tenants have greater protection against evictions than other tenants. If evicted, public housing tenants lose their federal housing subsidy (which is often worth hundreds of dollars per month).
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Some Basic Traffic Law Information
Source: Lectric Law Library
Basic information on traffic violations.
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HUD Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program Evictions
Source: Northwest Justice Project
This publication briefly describes tenant rights and the steps to take to avoid an eviction from apartments where the landlord has a contract with a local Housing Authority under the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program.
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What to do about a License Suspension Notice from Child Support Enforcement
Source: Northwest Justice Project
Information regarding the Division of Child Support?s ability to suspend a license for non-payment of child support.
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Accused of a Crime?
Source: World Law Direct
This article by Frederick Dirkson describes what to do if you are accused of a crime. It includes basic advice, how to find and work with an attorney, and how to work with the system.
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