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Social Security Center
Source: AARP

AARP (formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons) is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to addressing the needs and interests of persons 50 and older.
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Social Security Survivors Benefits
Source: Social Security Administration

A two-part booklet. If you are working, the first part tells you what kind of survivors benefits your tax dollars are paying for and how those benefits are earned. If someone in your family has died, the second part explains how to sign up for Social Security benefits and what you need to know after benefits start.
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Social Security Network
Source: Century Foundation

This site is produced by the Century Foundation, a non-partisan and non-profit research foundation, founded in 1919. Includes facts about Social Security, editorial opinions, a directory of social security experts and organizations that deal with social security, a newsroom section with online resources and a library section with a searchable index of publications.
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Social Security
Source: National Women's Law Center

The Women's Law Center works to promote Social Security reforms that will ensure adequate benefits for future generations and improve the economic security of women, especially those older women who are most likely to be living in poverty. The site includes answers to frequently asked questions, releases and statements, pension fact sheets, social security fact sheets, testimony, and issue papers.
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Social Security Advisory Service
Source: Social Security Advisory Service

The social security advisory service offers information about Social Security and its programs but is not affiliated with the Social Security Administration (SSA). Site includes a PIA calculator (Social Security Benefit Estimate Program for personal computers), a COLA table (list of annual increases), A service area directory (SAD), information on how to get the latest Red Book, a book published by the SSA and detailing the work incentives available to disable recipients of SSDI and SSI, and links to related sites.
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