Resource Description:
Questions answered by the resource:
Society and Culture
Source: Prison Legal News
Contact information for prison pen pals, prison art, and prison ministries
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Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
Source: Center for Law and Social Policy
The website of the Center for Law and Social Policy which includes a variety of publications on topics such as Childbearing and Pregnancy Prevention, Child Care and Early Education, Child Support and Fathers, Child Welfare, Civil Legal Assistance, Couples and Marriage Policy, Disconnected Youth, Postsecondary Education and Training, Prisoner Re-entry, Project for the Future of Equal Justice, Welfare Policy, Work-Life and Workforce Development and Transitional Jobs.
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Seeking Help from the American Civil Liberties Union
Source: American Civil Liberties Union of Washington
Information regarding assistance services provided by the American Civil Liberties Union and how to access those services.
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King County Sheriff's Office
Source: King County Sheriff�s Office
Address and contact information for the King County Sheriffs Office.
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Not Part of My Sentence: Violations of the Human Rights of Women in Custody
Source: Amnesty International
Information regarding the rights of women in custody and how the USA differs from others countries regarding procedures for the treatment of women. Includes information on international standards, mothers behind bars, the impact of the war on drugs, discrimination, sexual abuse, standards relating to male staff, responses to complaints of sexual abuse, retaliation, restraints, the adequacy of health care, super-maximum security facilities, and recommendations.
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Transition from Prison to the Community
Source: United States Department of Justice
Information on the NIC's Transition from Prison to the Community Initiative (TPCI), which is intended to help states improve their transition processes, thereby increasing public safety, reducing recidivism and new victimization, and making better use of resources in correctional facilities and communities.
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Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants
Source: Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants
CURE (Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants) is a membership organization of families of prisoners, prisoners, former prisoners and other concerned citizens. CURE's two goals are(1) to use prisons only for those who have to be in them (2) and for those who have to be in them, to provide them all the rehabilitative opportunities they need to turn their lives around.
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Driver Licensing Hearings and Interviews
Source: Washington State Department of Licensing
Answers to frequently asked questions regarding the Department of Licensing's license suspension DUI hearings.
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Driver Licensing Hearings and Interviews
Source: Washington State Department of Licensing
Answers to frequently asked questions regarding Department of Licensing DUI hearings.
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Factors Considered by the IRSB in Determining Eligibility for Parole
Source: Washington State Indeterminate Sentencing Review Board (ISRB)
A list of some of the factors the Indeterminate Sentencing Review Board considers when determining parole eligibility.
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Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC)
Source: Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC)
Statistics, discussion, and background on the prison crisis, political prisoners, women prisoners, the death penalty, control units, and other prison issues. Includes state-by state information about the prison labor industry, as well as links to sites for restorative justice and alternatives to incarceration.
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Police Practices - You and the Police
Source: American Civil Liberties Union of Washington
Information regarding a person's rights when confronted by the police. Discusses stops, probable cause, arrests, bookings and arraignments.
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Minor in Possession of Alcohol, Drugs and Firearms
Source: Washington State Department of Licensing
Information regarding Department of Licensing actions following a Minor in Possession conviction.
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Criminal Case Instructions
Source: King County District Court
Guide to understanding a traffic ticket and the process to follow if you receive a ticket for Driving Under the Influence (DUI), or Driving While License Suspended/Revoked. Please note that the information provided here is specific to King County. If you do not live in King County, you may wish to consult for more information relating to your county.
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Tools for Schools
Source: Washington State Office of the Attorney General
Resources on youth violence including bullying, teen dating violence and school safety.
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Voting Rights for Felons
Source: Prison Fellowship
An article by John Graff, published on the Christian Prison Fellowship website, which supports the view that people convicted of certain felonies should retain the civil right vote.
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Revised Code of Washington Reimbursement -- Restitution to Victim -- Notice -- Fees -- Order to Withhold and Deliver -- Limitation
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW 7.68.120 relating to restitution to crime victims
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Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC)
Source: Death Penalty Information Center
An anti-death penalty website that presents arguments against the death penalty, provides facts and figures on the death penalty in the U.S. and worldwide, and discusses the relationship between racial prejudice and the death penalty. The website also provides current news and links to other resources.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 13
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 13 regarding Juvenile Courts and Juvenile Offenders.
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Prison Rape Reduction Act of 2002
Source: Stop Prisoner Rape
Text of the Prison Rape Reduction Act of 2002 legislation. Includes national prison rape statistics, data and research, Prison rape prevention and prosecution, Prison rape prevention and prosecution grants.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 10
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 10 regarding Criminal Procedure in Washington.
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The History of the Non-Medical Use of Drugs in the United States
Source: DRCNet (Drug Reform Coordination Network)
The text of a speech by Charles Whitebread, Professor of Law, USC Law School, on the history of the non-medical use of drugs and the history of drug regulation laws in the United States since 1914. The site also includes links to related documents, such as the Hearings of the Marijuana Tax Act.
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Effectiveness of the War on Drugs
Source: Drug Policy Alliance
This fact-sheet argues that the War on Drugs is not effective. It includes information on public costs of the War on Drugs, the effect of Drug War on American youth, and the effectiveness of drug prevention programs such as D.A.R.E.
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Background- The War on Drugs and Drug Prohibition
This website provides information on the history of the War on Drugs and the pros and cons of drug prohibition.
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A Society of Suspects: The War on Drugs and Civil Liberties
Source: Cato Institute
This "policy analysis" by Steven Wisotsky presents an argument that the War on Drugs is a war on the Bill of Rights. He argues that techniques used to fight the war on drugs infringe on rights of privacy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to be free from excessive punishment.
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Background - The War on Drugs and Drug Prohibition
An article by Andrew Somers on the history of the Drug War, the pro and con sides of prohibition laws, and the current status of drug prohibition.
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Collision Reports
Source: Washington State Department of Licensing
Overview of the requirement for, use of, and effect of collision reports.
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About Crime Victims Compensation
Source: Washington State Department of Labor and Industries
Information about the Crime Victims Compensation Program. Discusses benefits available, program requirements and the application process.
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Revised Code of Washington - Rights of Victims and Witnesses
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW 7.69.030 regarding rights of victims and witnesses in Washington.
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Distinguishing Felonies from Misdemeanors
Source: Findlaw
Overview of how to distinguish a felony from a misdemeanor and the consequences that may flow from each.
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Accused of a Crime?
Source: World Law Direct
This article by Frederick Dirkson describes what to do if you are accused of a crime. It includes basic advice, how to find and work with an attorney, and how to work with the system.
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RCW 43.43.754 DNA identification system -- Biological samples -- Collection, use, testing -- Scope and application of section
Source: Washington State Legislature
This is one of Washington's laws about DNA data bases. The law describes who must submit a DNA sample for DNA identification and how DNA samples are taken. The law specifies that DNA samples may be retained but will only used for the purpose of providing DNA or other tests for identification analysis and prosecution of a criminal offense or for the identification of human remains or missing persons. The law also authorizes the submission of results from DNA samples to CODIS, the national DNA data base.
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DNA Forensics
Source: Human Genome Project
An overview of DNA forensics, including how DNA is used to identify living organisms (including people), various ways in which DNA identification is used in society today, methods of DNA typing and DNA technology, the use of DNA to solve crimes, federal legislation on the use of DNA technology to fight crime, the national DNA database CODIS, and the ethical, social and legal issues surrounding the use of DNA data bases. Additionally, the article contains links to many other helpful resources about DNA and forensic identification, and you can also find out more about the Human Genome Project by clicking on links on the left side of the screen.
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Genetic Fingerprinting
Source: Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia
This is an encyclopedia article about genetic fingerprinting, otherwise known as DNA testing, DNA identification, or DNA profiling. The article discusses how genetic fingerprinting is done and how it is used in criminal investigations and trials. The article also provides an overview of famous cases involving DNA evidence, with links to learn more about each case.
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RCW 43.43.759 DNA identification system -- Rule-making requirements
Source: Washington State Legislature
This is one of Washington's laws about DNA data bases. The law specifies that rules adopted by the Washington State Patrol to implement Washington's laws on DNA data bases must prohibit the use of DNA identification data for any research or other purpose that is not related to a criminal investigation, to the identification of human remains or missing persons, or to improving the operation of the DNA identification system.
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RCW 43.43.753 Findings -- DNA identification system -- DNA data base -- DNA data bank
Source: Washington State Legislature
One of Washington's laws about DNA data bases. This law describes the state's position on the use of DNA technology and DNA data bases in criminal investigations. This law authorizes Washington to establish a DNA data base and DNA data bank containing DNA samples of people convicted of felonies and DNA samples for the identification of missing persons and unidentified human remains. The law also specifies that the information and samples held in the data bank can only be used for purposes related to criminal investigation, the identification of human remains or missing persons, or to help improve the operation of the DNA identification system.
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Complaints about Institutions
Source: United States Department of Justice
Information on how to file a complaint with the Special Litigation Section of the US DOJ against an institution
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Stop Prisoner Rape
Source: Stop Prisoner Rape
Stop Prisoner Rape (SPR) is a non-profit human rights organization that seeks to end sexual violence against men, women, and youth in all forms of detention. Founded by survivors of prisoner rape over twenty years ago, SPR has worked to shed light on the dangers of sexual abuse in prison and helped survivors to access resources and connect with one another.
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Prisons: Ending the Abusive Treatment of Prisoners
Source: Human Rights Watch
Information on prison conditions, prison abuses, and human rights protections for prisoners
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Voting Rights Restoration Process
Source: National Conference of State Legislatures
Information on how to restore voting rights after incarceration. Includes Washington State.
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Criminal History Records
Source: Washington State Patrol
Information about the Criminal History Records maintained by the Washington State Patrol.
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Vacating and Sealing Records of Conviction
Source: King County Law Library
General information and guidance on vacating and sealing records of conviction.
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Administrative Action Reinstatement
Source: Washington State Department of Licensing
A list of offenses for which the Department of Licensing will suspend, revoke, cancel or disqualify a driver's license or driving privileges. Includes length of DOL's action, whether a hearing is offered, and the requirements for reinstatement.
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Criminal/Felony Conviction Reinstatement
Source: Washington State Department of Licensing
A list of offenses for which the Department of Licensing will confiscate or suspend, revoke, cancel or disqualify a driver's license or driving privileges. Includes reference to the relevant RCW, the length of the suspension, whether an Occupational Driver's License may be issued, and requirements for reinstatement.
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Women's Prison Book Project
Source: Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC)
Information on the Women's Prison Book Project, which provides women in prison with free reading materials covering a wide range of topics from law and education (dictionaries, GED, etc.) to politics, history, and women�s health.
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Criminal Law
Source: Washington State Bar Association
General information on common criminal law. Provides a brief overview of a person's rights when stopped by the police, when charged with a crime, or when required to appear in court. Also includes information on police searches.
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Current Legal Issues
Source: The Defender Association
Home page of The Defender Association. The Defender Association is a non-profit corporation providing public defense in Seattle and King County. Site includes links to articles, discussions and resources relating to current legal issues in Washington state.
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Being Pulled Over By The Law Enforcement
Source: Washington State Office of the Attorney General
Information for teens on what a person should and should not do if pulled over by the police, including the driver's rights, what to do at a traffic stop, and personal safety on the street.
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How to React to a Car Accident
Source: Washington State Office of the Attorney General
Information for teens on what to do in case you are involved in a car accident, with additional information on how to avoid car accidents.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 9.41.047
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 9.41.047 regarding Restoration of Weapon Possession Rights.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 9.41.040
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 9.41.040 regarding Unlawful Possession of Firearms.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 9.41
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 9.41 regarding Firearms and Dangerous Weapons.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 9.35
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 9.35 regarding Identity Theft.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 9
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 9 regarding crimes and punishments in Washington.
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- What is Washington's criminal policy on abortion, animal cruelty, sabotage, counterfeit goods, trademark tampering, corporate crimes, telecommunication crimes, interference with Court, recapture of escaped prisoners, identity crimes, false representation, fire, arson, firearms, weapons, gambling, inhaling toxic fumes, jury crimes, stolen property restoration, libel and slander, nuisance, obscenity, pornography, sexual exploitation, duties of witnesses, perjury, privacy rights, treason, and restoration of civil rights?
Prisons and Prisoner's Rights: An Overview
Source: Cornell Law School/The Legal Information Institute
Information regarding prisoner's constitutional rights, including the right against cruel and unusual punishment (8th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution). Includes links to the 8th Amendment and recent court decisions regarding prisoner's rights.
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Prisoner's Rights
Source: American Civil Liberties Union
Information on prisoner's rights -- resources, position papers, current court cases and legislation, ways to take action.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 46.65
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 46.65 regarding Habitual Traffic Offenders.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 46.20
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 46.20 regarding penalties for driving with an invalid license.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 46
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 46 regarding Motor Vehicles.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 46.55.120
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 45.55.120 regarding redemption of an impounded vehicle.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 46.55
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 45.55 regarding impoundment of motor vehicles.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 43.43
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 43.43 regarding Washington State Patrol.
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Washington's Parole System Summarized
Source: Washington State Indeterminate Sentencing Review Board (ISRB)
Introduction of Washington's Parole system, indeterminate sentences, the Indeterminate Sentencing Review Board (ISRB), Parole, Two Systems (Indeterminate and Determinate sentencing), Victim/Survivor Considerations, Special Categories, Rape Typologies, Murder and Assault Typologies, Inmate Programming, Risk Assessment Instruments, and Psychological Aids.
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Determinate Plus Sentencing (ESSB 6151)
Source: Washington State Indeterminate Sentencing Review Board (ISRB)
Information on Determinate Plus sentencing for sex offenders that went into effect September 1, 2001. Certain sex offenders are to be sentenced to the maximum by the court and to a minimum term within the Sentencing Reform Act (SRA) range.
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Defendants' Incentives for Accepting Plea Bargains
This website describes some of the reasons why defendants enter into plea bargains.
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Chapter 9.92 RCW Punishment
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 9.92 regarding Punishments.
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Revised Code of Washington Restoration of Employment Rights
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW 9.96A relating to Restoration of Employment Rights for Prisoners
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Revised Code of Washington Restoration of Civil Rights
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW 9.96 relating to Restoration of Civil Rights for Prisoners
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Revised Code of Washington Probation and Parole
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW 72.04A relating to Probation and Parole
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Source: 360 Degrees
Regional and national organizations searchable by category: resources for whom, by topic and by type of organization. Topics include alternatives to incarceration, prisoner's rights, health, employment, mandatory minimums.
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Books to Prisoner Projects
Source: Prison Legal News
Contact information for Books to Prisoner Projects across the Country.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 9A.20.021
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 9A.20.021 regarding Maximum Sentences for crimes committed after July 1, 1984.
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Revised Code of Washington - Title 9A
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 9A regarding Washington's Criminal Code.
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- How is a crime classified?
- How is a crime defined?
- What defenses are available when accused of a crime?
- How does one plead insanity?
- What is complicity?
- Am I liable for the actions of another?
- How does the court determine if I've committed homicide, assault, kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, criminal mistreatment, a sexual offense, harassment, arson, interference with a health clinic, burglary, trespass, theft, robbery, fraud, bribery, corruption, perjury, obstruction, money laundering, public disturbance, indecent exposure or prostitution?
Revised Code of Washington - Title 9.94A.637
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW Title 9.94A.637 regarding Certificate of Discharge necessary for restoration of civil rights following conviction.
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Admissible Confessions
Source: Findlaw
Information relating to the admissibility of confessions made to the police.
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Miranda Rights and the Fifth Amendment
Source: Findlaw
Information on Miranda warnings which are meant to protect a person's Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination. Note: findlaw will ask you to enter your zip code before presenting the information.
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Defendant's Statement
Source: King County District Court
Defendant's Statement for use in Hearings by Mail to contest a traffic infraction or to prove mitigating circumstances in a traffic infraction. Please note that the information provided here is specific to King County. If you do not live in King County, you may wish to consult for more information relating to your county.
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Revised Code of Washington - Habeas Corpus
Source: Washington State Legislature
Link to RCW 7.36 regarding Habeas Corpus proceedings in Washington.
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Criminal Procedure: An Overview
Source: Cornell Law School/The Legal Information Institute
This link gives a good definition of criminal procedure. It contains a menu of sources both at the federal and state level to reference for more info on criminal procedure and hyperlinks to associated legal terms.
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Teen Dating Violence
Source: Washington State Office of the Attorney General
Information aimed at helping prevent teen dating violence. Includes a list of Dating Rights and answers to frequently asked questions from teens and parents.Topics include safety plans, communication skills, assertiveness, conflict resolution, emotion management, and faulty relationship and gender role expectations.
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Legal Services for Prisoners with Children
Source: Legal Services for Prisoners with Children
Legal Services for Prisoners with Children (LSPC) advocates for the civil rights and empowerment of incarcerated parents, children, family members and people at risk for incarceration through responding to requests for information, trainings, technical assistance, litigation, community activism and the development of more advocates. The focus is on women prisoners and their families.
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Prison Legal News
Source: Prison Legal News
Prison Legal News is an independent 36-page monthly publication that provides a cutting edge review and analysis of prisoner rights, court rulings and news about prison issues. PLN has a national (U.S.) focus on both state and federal prison issues, with international coverage as well.
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Prison Records Online
Source: Prison Records USA
Information on how to obtain state, local and federal prison records.
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United States Parole Commission Rules and Procedures manual March 1, 2001
Source: United States Department of Justice
Includes United States Code Prisoners and Parolees, includes definitions, Eligibility for Parole, Sentence Aggregation, Withheld and Forfeited Good Time, Committed Fines and Restitution Orders, Mental Competence Proceedings, Date Service of Sentence Commences, Application for Parole-Notice of Hearing, Initial Hearing-Procedure, Subsequent Proceedings, Granting of Parole, Reopening of Cases, Release on Parole, Release Plans, Conditions of Release, Revocation Decisions, Mandatory Parole.
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Prisons: United Nations Prison Monitoring Effort
Source: Human Rights Watch
Information and text of the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture.
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DNA Testing
Source: Washington State Office of Public Defense
Document providing information about a person's possible right to DNA testing following a criminal conviction. Discusses the procedures that must be followed to gain access to that right.
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Admissibility of Electronically Filed Federal Records As Evidence
Source: 'Lectric Law Library
This web page provides information on how electronic records can be admitted into evidence in federal court and the possible difficulties of doing so.
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Fingerprint Evidence
A brief explanation of how fingerprint evidence is collected and used to establish identity.
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Seat Belt Laws
Source: Washington State Patrol
Answers to frequently asked questions about Washington's seat belt laws.
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Application for Request for Abstract of Driving Record
Source: Washington State Department of Licensing
Links to the forms used to request driving records.
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Infraction Instructions
Source: King County District Court
Instructions on how to understand and respond to your traffic ticket. Please note that the information provided here is specific to King County. If you do not live in King County, you may wish to consult for more information relating to your county.
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Abstract of Driving Record (ADR)
Source: Washington State Department of Licensing
Information regarding the driving records of Washington drivers.
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Mandatory Insurance
Source: Washington State Department of Licensing
Information regarding the auto insurance requirements in Washington state.
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New Laws Which May Affect You: 2005 Legislative Session
Source: Washington State Department of Licensing
Detail of newly enacted laws that affect Washington drivers.
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Witness Subpoena
Source: King County District Court
Form used to subpoena witnesses to appear in a hearing to contest a traffic infraction. Please note that the information provided here is specific to King County. If you do not live in King County, you may wish to consult for more information relating to your county.
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Frequently Asked Questions: Are there types of cases where I can't get a court-appointed lawyer no matter how poor I am?
Source: National Legal Aid and Defender Association
Information regarding the types of cases for which one can get a public defender.
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Innocence Project Northwest
Source: Innocence Project Northwest
Information on the Innocence Project Northwest (IPNW), a non-profit group of attorneys, professors, and students working to free innocent prisoners. With the help of University of Washington School of Law faculty and students, IPNW attorneys provide free legal help to inmates who have been wrongly convicted of crimes in Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Idaho or Montana, cannot afford counsel and who no longer have a right to appointed counsel, have already completed the appeals process, have a substantial amount of prison time remaining to be served, and have a cognizable claim of actual innocence.
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Self Representation in a Criminal Case
Source: Findlaw
Careful discussion of whether or not a person should represent himself in a criminal case.
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New Washington ID cards and driver licenses will help fight against underage tobacco and alcohol use
Source: King County
A short article on the new ID and Drivers License cars in Washington state, and their purpose.
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Substance Assessment/ Treatment Report
Source: Washington State Department of Licensing
Provides information regarding Substance Assessment and Treatment Reports and includes a link to the form.
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Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
Source: Office of National Drug Control Policy
This website presents summaries of research, literature and statistical information on illegal drug use and enforcement efforts in America. Included are summaries about specific drugs and user groups, each with information about extent of use, health effects, treatment, arrests and sentencing, production and trafficking, and legislation. Other areas of this site include state-by-state summaries, enforcement efforts, prevention programs, and treatment.
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Washington State Courts State Law Library
Source: Washington Courts
The home page of the Washington State Law Library, which assists lawyers and the public with legal research. Includes information on how to conduct legal research on the internet and at the library.
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Criminal Law and Procedure
Source: Lectric Law Library
Various links to articles, discussions and resources relating to various criminal law issues.
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Criminal Law: An Overview
Source: Cornell Law School/The Legal Information Institute
This link gives a good broad definition of criminal law. Also includes a menu of sources both at the federal and state level to reference for more information on criminal law.
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MIP Laws
Source: Washington State Office of the Attorney General
Information for teens on Washington State�s underage drinking (MIP) laws.
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