Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
Source: Center for Law and Social Policy
The website of the Center for Law and Social Policy which includes a variety of publications on topics such as Childbearing and Pregnancy Prevention, Child Care and Early Education, Child Support and Fathers, Child Welfare, Civil Legal Assistance, Couples and Marriage Policy, Disconnected Youth, Postsecondary Education and Training, Prisoner Re-entry, Project for the Future of Equal Justice, Welfare Policy, Work-Life and Workforce Development and Transitional Jobs.
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Not Part of My Sentence: Violations of the Human Rights of Women in Custody
Source: Amnesty International
Information regarding the rights of women in custody and how the USA differs from others countries regarding procedures for the treatment of women. Includes information on international standards, mothers behind bars, the impact of the war on drugs, discrimination, sexual abuse, standards relating to male staff, responses to complaints of sexual abuse, retaliation, restraints, the adequacy of health care, super-maximum security facilities, and recommendations.
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Transition from Prison to the Community
Source: United States Department of Justice
Information on the NIC's Transition from Prison to the Community Initiative (TPCI), which is intended to help states improve their transition processes, thereby increasing public safety, reducing recidivism and new victimization, and making better use of resources in correctional facilities and communities.
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