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Disability Law


Americans with Disabilities Act (53)
Education (1)
Housing (1)
Rehabilitation Act (4)
Washington State Law (9)

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Laws, Regulations, and Policy Guidance
Source: United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Links to laws enforced by the EEOC, EEOC regulations, the EEOC Compliance Manual, EEOC Enforcement Guidances, and Memoranda of Understanding.
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Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination Questions and Answers
Source: United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Complete overview from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission about the different federal laws that prohibit discrimination and the types of discrimination they address, as well as information about filing a charge or lawsuit against an employer for discrimination, remedies for an employee who has been discriminated against, and how the EEOC handles claims.
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Practice and Procedure in Discrimination Cases
Source: Seattle Office For Civil Rights

Rules promulgated by the Seattle Office for Civil Rights. The rules cover illegal discrimination.
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RCW 49.60.230 Complaint may be filed with commission.
Source: Washington State Legislature

Statute section detailing how to file a discrimination complaint including who to file it with and what to include in the complaint.
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RCW 49.60.180 Unfair Practices of Employers
Source: Washington State Legislature

Statute section describing what would be considered an unfair practice by an employer under the Washington statute.
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Source: Workplace Fairness

Information about discrimination. Includes state and federal information covering age, disability, gender identity, immigration status, language, marital and parental status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation.
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Chapter 49.60 RCW: Discrimination -- Human Rights Commission
Source: Municipal Research & Services Center of Washington

List of sections of Chapter 49.60 of the RCW with links to each section. 49.60 deals with discrimination.
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Texas Department of Community Affairs v. Burdine
Source: Findlaw

U.S. Supreme Court case clarifying how to prove an employer intentionally discriminated against an employee, when the employee lacks direct evidence of intent, but has evidence of disparate impact.
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Chapter 49.60.040 Definitions
Source: Municipal Research & Services Center of Washington

Statute section with the definitions of various terms within the Washington statute relating to discrimination.
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RCW 49.60.030 Freedom from Discrimination; Declaration of Civil Rights
Source: Washington State Legislature

Statute section providing list of rights protected under the statute.
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Watson v. Fort Worth Bank & Trust
Source: Findlaw

U.S. Supreme Court case discussing the test to determine the validity of an employer's promotion decision when the decision is based upon a supervisor's subjective opinion.
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Nationwide Mutual Ins. v. Darden
Source: Findlaw

The opinion discusses when a person is an employee for the purposes of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. The opinion lays out the test that is now the predominant definition of employee for the purposes of Title VII, the ADA, and the ADEA.
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Mangram v. General Motors Corporation
Source: Emory School of Law

4th Circuit opinion about whether an owner of a GMC dealership franchise is an employee. The court applies the hybrid test.
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Supreme Court Narrows Scope of Disabilities Protection
Source: Findlaw

Article by Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP discussing the definition of disability and how plaintiffs may prove the existence of a disability.
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Sutton v. United Air Lines, Inc.
Source: Findlaw

US Supreme Court opinion discussing whether sisters are disabled when they can see with the aid of glasses, but are denied employment, because they cannot see without glasses.
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Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Sections 501 and 505
Source: United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

A Unites States statute that prohibits the federal government from discriminating against persons with disabilities.
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Disabled Employees Can Now Sue for Workplace Harassment
Source: Findlaw

Article by Sherry L. Travers about a Fifth Circuit case that held that employees may sue employers for disability harassment under the ADA.
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US Airways, Inc. v. Barnett
Source: Findlaw

U.S. Supreme Court case discussing the process by which a plaintiff proves disability discrimination. The case also discusses whether an accommodation that conflicts with an established seniority system is a reasonable accommodation.
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Toyota Motor Manufacturing v. Williams
Source: Findlaw

U.S. Supreme Court decision defining what is a disability under the ADA, what is required of covered entities, and describes the burdens on the plaintiff for filing a claim under the ADA.
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Employment Rights Who has Them and Who Enforces Them
Source: United States Department of Labor

Provides a good overview of who enforces the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act and who is covered under the acts with contact information for those who need help.
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Cleveland v. Policy Management Systems Corp.
Source: Findlaw

US Supreme Court opinion discussing whether a disabled person may assert a claim under Social Security, claiming total disability, and sue their employer for disability discrimination.
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Ready, Willing, and Available
Source: United States Department of Labor

Link page with instructions to employers on how to accommodate disabled employees.
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Title 29, Chapter 31: Assistive Technology for Individuals with Disabilities
Source: Cornell Law School/The Legal Information Institute

Chapter of the U.S. Code covering assistive technology for individuals with disabilities with links to each section.
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Title 20, Chapter 55 U.S. Code: Education of the Deaf
Source: Cornell Law School/The Legal Information Institute

Section of the U.S. Code describing what is required of schools in relation to deaf students.
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Housing Rights of Disabled Tenants
Source: Nolo

An overview of how the Fair Housing Act applies to tenants with disabilities. Includes information on both landlord and tenant responsibilities.
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Section 705: Definitions
Source: Cornell Law School/The Legal Information Institute

Definition section of the Rehabilitation Act, which defines major terms used in the act.
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Albertsons, Inc. v. Kirkingburg
Source: Findlaw

US Supreme Court opinion discussing whether a truck driver with monocular vision is disabled when he does not meet Department of Transportation requirements, but the Department of Transportation has granted the driver a waiver.
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Murphy v. United Parcel Service
Source: Findlaw

US Supreme Court opinion discussing whether a mechanic is disabled when his blood pressure exceeds Department of Transportation limits, when untreated, and the Department of Transportation has erroneously granted the mechanic a license to work.
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Appellate Court Rulings in Disability Cases
Source: Law Offices of David H. Greenberg

Listing of some of the major case law decisions on the subject with brief summaries of their holdings.
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What you Should Know About Workplace Laws
Source: United States Department of Labor

Informational page listing the various workplace laws and suggestions on how to accommodate each.
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Title 42, Chapter 144 U.S. Code: Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights
Source: Cornell Law School/The Legal Information Institute

Section of the U.S. Code that describes the programs the government has designed to aid individuals with developmental disabilities and how they can participate in these programs.
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Chapter 162-22 WAC Employment -- Handicapped Persons
Source: Washington State Legislature

Index for the chapter of the Washington Administrative Code covering employment law as it relates to handicapped individuals. Links to each section of the chapter.
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Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program (WOTC)
Source: United States Department of Labor

Informational page detailing the work opportunity tax credit (WOTC) program in how it relates to individuals with disabilities.
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Prescreening Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work Credits
Source: Internal Revenue Service

IRS Form 8850 to apply for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit
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Washington Law Regarding Handicapped Children -- RCW 26.40
Source: Washington State Legislature

Links to Washington statutes regarding parental responsibilities and orders of commitment.
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Know Your Rights: Public Accommodations
Source: Washington State Human Rights Commission

Adobe file outlining your rights for public accommodations and other processes of the Human Rights Commission
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Affirmative Action and People with Disabilities
Source: United States Department of Labor

Overview on how affirmative action relates to people with disabilities. This site contains information on how affirmative action benefits people with disabilities in the workforce. Listed are reasons why people with disabilities should be included in affirmative action programs; the components of a successful affirmative action plan to recruit, employ and advance people with disabilities; and where you can find additional information.
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ADA Home page
Source: United States Department of Justice

Information about the Americans with Disabilities Act. Includes information about employment, public transportation, and more.
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Americans with Disabilities Act - Questions and Answers
Source: Findlaw

Questions and answers about Title I of the Americans with disabilities Act. Includes information about disabilities, reasonable accommodations, and other employment rights.
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The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Titles I and V
Source: United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

United States statute that prohibits employers from discriminating against disabled employees. The ADA also covers public services and accommodations (not covered here).
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ADA: Implementation Dates
Source: United States Department of Labor

Overview page with the effective dates of the various parts of the act.
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Disability Resources: Americans with Disabilities Act
Source: United States Department of Labor

General Overview of their information on this topic, many links from this page.
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The Americans with Disabilities Act Public Law 101-336
Source: United States Department of Labor

Description of the Act including purpose, when enacted, and what it requires.
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Chapter 126 - Equal Opportunity for Individuals with Disabilities
Source: Cornell Law School/The Legal Information Institute

This is the code with separate links to each section.
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ADA Regulations and Technical Assistance Materials
Source: United States Department of Justice

List of the materials available to order from the Department of Justice. Materials are free.
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Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government Services
Source: United States Department of Justice

Final ruling by the Department of Justice implementing the ADA into actions by all state and local governments.
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Directory of State Liaisons
Source: United States Department of Labor

Gives the list of state contacts to report employment discrimination for every state.
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Find It! By Audience - Workers: Disability Resources
Source: United States Department of Labor

Links to information about disability. Includes links to Office of Disability Employment Policy, ADA brochures, and employment rights information.
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Hiring People with Disabilities
Source: United States Department of Labor

Overview page with help for those who are looking to or thinking about hiring someone with a disability.
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Employers' Responsibilities
Source: United States Department of Labor

Overview page describing what employers are required to do in order to comply with the ADA.
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Recruiting and Hiring Practices
Source: United States Department of Labor

Link page for employers looking to hire or recruit for a person with a disability.
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Employing People with Disabilities: Q and A.
Source: United States Department of Labor

Question and Answer page dealing with hiring people with disabilities.
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Employer Assistance Referral Network (EARN)
Source: United States Department of Labor

Page with contact information to EARN, the Employer Assistance Referral Network, which helps employers locate and hire disabled applicants.
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Recruitment! Recruitment! Recruitment!
Source: United States Department of Labor

Page with contact information for employers looking to recruit disabled workers.
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Employment Checklist for Hiring Persons with Disabilities
Source: United States Department of Labor

Overview page with dos and don'ts for hiring people with disabilities.
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Source: United States Department of Labor

Overview page discussing mentoring and how it relates to the ADA and people with disabilities.
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Disability Friendly Strategies for the Workplace
Source: United States Department of Labor

Informational page describing ways to make your workplace more accommodating for disabled employees.
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Recruiting Disabled Veterans: a Primer
Source: United States Department of Labor

Contact information page for employers looking to hire qualified disabled veterans.
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American Disabilities Act
Source: Findlaw

Discussion of the various types of facilities that employers are required to make accessible under the American with Disabilities Act, from the application process and recruitment to social functions and recreational activities.
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EEOC Guidance on ADA Reasonable Accommodation
Source: Findlaw

Article by Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, LLP discussing an EEOC Guidance about who is entitled to reasonable accommodations, requests for reasonable accommodations, requesting documentation, reasonable accommodations, and undue hardship.
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Office of Disability Employment Policy
Source: United States Department of Labor

Office of Disability offers technical assistance to those who need help accommodating an employee with a disability.
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On the Job: Employers and Employees in Their Own Words
Source: United States Department of Labor

Page with examples of how other companies have incorporated the ADA into their workforce.
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The ADA: Your Responsibilities as an Employer
Source: United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Information for employers about their responsibilities under the ADA with Q and A..
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The ADA: Your Employment Rights as an Individual With a Disability
Source: United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Information about the rights of employees under the ADA with Q and A.
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The ADA: Questions and Answers -- Employment
Source: United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

General frequently asked questions and answers forum.
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Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
Source: Washington State Office of Financial Management

Manual by the Office of Financial Management for state agencies to comply with the ADA. The manual is the minimum requirements for state agencies.
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Self Directed Care: A New Civil Rights Law in Washington State
Source: Washington State Department of Social and Health Services

General information and links to resources about self-directed care for adults with disabilities.
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Bragdon v. Abbott
Source: Findlaw

US Supreme Court opinion discussing whether a dental patient is disabled when they have AIDS.
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