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Questions answered by the resource:
Practice and Procedure in Discrimination Cases
Source: Seattle Office For Civil Rights
Rules promulgated by the Seattle Office for Civil Rights. The rules cover illegal discrimination.
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RCW 49.60.230 Complaint may be filed with commission.
Source: Washington State Legislature
Statute section detailing how to file a discrimination complaint including who to file it with and what to include in the complaint.
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Source: Workplace Fairness
Information about discrimination. Includes state and federal information covering age, disability, gender identity, immigration status, language, marital and parental status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation.
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Chapter 49.60 RCW: Discrimination -- Human Rights Commission
Source: Municipal Research & Services Center of Washington
List of sections of Chapter 49.60 of the RCW with links to each section. 49.60 deals with discrimination.
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Nationwide Mutual Ins. v. Darden
Source: Findlaw
The opinion discusses when a person is an employee for the purposes of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. The opinion lays out the test that is now the predominant definition of employee for the purposes of Title VII, the ADA, and the ADEA.
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Mangram v. General Motors Corporation
Source: Emory School of Law
4th Circuit opinion about whether an owner of a GMC dealership franchise is an employee. The court applies the hybrid test.
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Social Security Disability Frequently Asked Questions
Source: National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives (NOSSCR)
Social Security Disability Frequently Asked Questions
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- What is the definition of disability used by Social Security?
- How many different types of Social Security disability benefits are there?
- How do I apply for Social Security disability benefits?
- I am disabled, but I have plenty of money in the bank. Do I have to wait until this money is gone before I apply for Social Security disability benefits?
- I used to work but lately I have been staying home taking care of the kids. I have now become sick. Can I get Social Security disability benefits?
- How long do I have to wait after becoming disabled before I can file for Social Security disability benefits?
- I am still on sick leave from my employer. Can I file for Social Security disability now or do I have to wait until the sick leave is exhausted?
- I got hurt on the job. I am drawing worker's compensation benefits. Can I file a claim for Social Security disability benefits now or should I wait until the worker's compensation ends?
- Can I get both worker's compensation and Social Security disability?
- How can I tell if I will be found disabled by Social Security?
- Can you receive Social Security disability benefits for _____________ ?
- Do you have to be permanently disabled to get Social Security disability benefits?
- I have several health problems, but no one of them disables me. It is the combination that disables me. Can I get Social Security disability benefits?
- I got hurt in an automobile accident. I am disabled now, but I expect that I will be able to return to work after I recover. Should I file for Social Security disability benefits?
- How does Social Security determine if I am disabled?
- Who decides if I am disabled?
- Why does Social Security consider my age in determining whether I am disabled?
- Is there a list of illnesses that Social Security considers disabling?
- What can I do to improve my chances of winning my Social Security disability claim?
- How do I find an attorney to represent me before on my Social Security disability claim?
- If I am approved for Social Security disability benefits, how much will I get?
- How far back will they pay benefits if I am found disabled?
- What do I do if Social Security denies my claim for Social Security disability benefits?
- Why does Social Security turn down so many claims for disability benefits?
- I only want to get back the money I put in Social Security. Why do they make it so hard for me to get my own money back?
- What is "reconsideration"?
- Who makes the reconsideration determination?
- What are my chances of winning at reconsideration?
- Do I have to go through reconsideration?
- How long does it take to get a hearing on a Social Security disability claim?
- What is the Social Security hearing like?
- What are my chances of winning at a hearing?
- If the Administrative Law Judge denies my claim, can I appeal any more?
- What is the Appeals Council?
- Can I appeal a case beyond Social Security to the Federal Courts?
- If I get on Social Security disability benefits and get to feeling better and want to return to work, can I return to work?
- Where can I go to get help with my Social Security disability claim?
- Do I really have to hire a lawyer to represent me in my Social Security disability claim?
- How do lawyers who represent Social Security disability claimants get paid?
- Can alcoholics and drug addicts really get Social Security disability benefits?
- I know someone who is on Social Security disability and he does not look a bit disabled. Why do they put all of these freeloaders on benefits?
- I am disabled, but I have never worked at public work. Can I get Social Security disability benefits?
- I am a widow. I have not worked in public work in many years. I am disabled. Can I get Social Security disability benefits?
- I have a daughter who has been disabled by cerebral palsy since birth and has never been able to work. Can she get disability benefits from Social Security?
- I am already on Social Security disability benefits, but I am worried that my benefits will be stopped in the future. What are the chances of this happening?
- If Social Security tries to cut off my disability benefits, what can I do?
- My doctor says I am disabled so why is Social Security denying my Social Security disability claim?
- VA says I am disabled, so why is Social Security denying my Social Security disability claim?
- I am 60% disabled. Do I get 60% of my Social Security disability benefits?
- I am disabled by mental illness. Can mental illness serve as the basis for a Social Security disability claim?
- Will it help if I ask my Congressional Representative to help me get Social Security disability benefits?
- How long does it take before Social Security makes a decision once I file a claim for Social Security disability benefits?
- How long does it take for Social Security to make a reconsideration determination on my Social Security disability claim?
- How long does it take for Social Security to act upon a request for Appeals Council review?
- I am disabled. I need help with medical bills even more than I need a cash income. How do I get help with medical bills?
- What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?
- If I get Social Security disability benefits will I get Medicare?
- If I get Social Security disability benefits will I get Medicaid?
Protect Our Vulnerable Adults
Source: Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
General information about preventing and identifying abuse of vulnerable adults and resources for reporting abuse.
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Social Security Supplemental Security Income
Source: Social Security Administration
SSA site with links to information relating to Social Security Supplemental Income (SSI). Includes answers to frequently asked questions, general SSI information, laws and regulations, eligibility information, advocacy information and SSI payments.
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US Code Title 7 Social Security
Source: Cornell Law School/The Legal Information Institute
Link to title 42, chapter 6 of the United States Code on Social Security.
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Code of Federal Regulations Part 416--Supplemetnal Security Income for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled
Source: Social Security Online
Link to part 416 of the Code of Federal Regulations on SSI--Supplemental Security Income for the Aged, Blind and Disabled.
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Wills and Estate Planning
Source: Nolo
Contains information on wills and estate planning. Includes information on estate planning basics, wills, probate and executors, avoiding probate, living trusts, estate and gift taxes, life insurance, healthcare directives and powers of attorney, and funeral planning and organ donations.
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Probate and Trust Law -- RCW title 11
Source: Washington State Legislature
Links to Washington laws regarding probate and trusts. Includes links to laws on descent and distribution, simultaneous death, nonprobate assets on dissolution or invalidation of marriage, escheats, abatement of assets, wills, claims against the state, inheritance rights of slayers, guardianship, power of attorney, powers of appointment, trusts, trust funds, and charitable trusts.
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Power of Attorney
Source: Washington State Department of Licensing
Power of attorney / release of interest basic form.
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Estate Recovery for Medical Services Paid for by the State
Source: Northwest Justice Project
Information regarding estate recovery (the State�s ability to collect money to repay medical services after a patients death).
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Introduction to Estate Planning
Source: Findlaw
Article by Robert L. Sommers discussing the basics of estate planning. Includes information on wills, living trusts, joint tenancy, community property, the gift tax and the estate tax.
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Alternatives to Guardianship for Adults
Source: Northwest Justice Project
Basic information about what guardianship is and when it is the appropriate legal procedure regarding the care of an adult.
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Social Security Center
Source: AARP
AARP (formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons) is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to addressing the needs and interests of persons 50 and older.
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Social Security Survivors Benefits
Source: Social Security Administration
A two-part booklet. If you are working, the first part tells you what kind of survivors benefits your tax dollars are paying for and how those benefits are earned. If someone in your family has died, the second part explains how to sign up for Social Security benefits and what you need to know after benefits start.
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Social Security Network
Source: Century Foundation
This site is produced by the Century Foundation, a non-partisan and non-profit research foundation, founded in 1919. Includes facts about Social Security, editorial opinions, a directory of social security experts and organizations that deal with social security, a newsroom section with online resources and a library section with a searchable index of publications.
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Social Security
Source: National Women's Law Center
The Women's Law Center works to promote Social Security reforms that will ensure adequate benefits for future generations and improve the economic security of women, especially those older women who are most likely to be living in poverty. The site includes answers to frequently asked questions, releases and statements, pension fact sheets, social security fact sheets, testimony, and issue papers.
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Social Security Advisory Service
Source: Social Security Advisory Service
The social security advisory service offers information about Social Security and its programs but is not affiliated with the Social Security Administration (SSA). Site includes a PIA calculator (Social Security Benefit Estimate Program for personal computers), a COLA table (list of annual increases), A service area directory (SAD), information on how to get the latest Red Book, a book published by the SSA and detailing the work incentives available to disable recipients of SSDI and SSI, and links to related sites.
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Social Security Advisory Board
Source: Social Security Advisory Board
The social security advisory board is an independent, bipartisan Board created by Congress and appointed by the President and the Congress to advise the President, the Congress, and the Commissioner of Social Security on matters related to the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income programs. The site includes information on the board, board members, reports and statements issued by the board, authorizing legislation, forums, by-laws and links.
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National Academy of Social Insurance
Source: National Academy of Social Insurance
The National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and education organization made up of the nation�s leading experts on Social Security, Medicare, and other social insurance programs. The site contains information on Medicare, Social Security and Workers' Compensation. Includes information about the Academy, publications, information on conferences and events, a member services section, links and a searchable database by subject.
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Administration on Aging
Source: United States Department of Health and Human Services
The Administration on Aging provides community-based services such as nutrition (home delivered meals), transportation, legal assistance and health promotion counseling and training to older persons through the programs funded under the Older Americans Act. The site includes information on health issues, the Aging Network, the National Family Caregiver Support Program, and the Freedom of Information Act. There is also information in Spanish.
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Social Security Numbers
Source: Electronic Privacy Information Center
Information on how to keep your social security number private. Includes information on identity theft, court cases, ways to maintain confidentiality and text of the Privacy Act of 1974, which governs government use of social security numbers.
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Social Security Online
Source: Social Security Administration
The official site of the Social Security Administration. Includes information on retirement, disability, survivors, supplemental security income, publications, information in Spanish, information in other languages, employment support for people with disabilities, Medicare information, Medicaid information, hearings and appeals, forms, social security card and number information, international information, direct deposit of benefits, and representative payment.
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Age Discrimination
Source: Findlaw
A collection of articles about Age Discrimination. Includes articles about ADEA waivers, foreign firms, employee benefit plans, and more.
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Kimel v. Florida Board of Regents
Source: Findlaw
US Supreme Court opinion discussing whether an employee may sue a state under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act without the state's permission. The case involves interpretation of the ADEA and the 14th Amendment.
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Western Air Lines, Inc. v. Criswell
Source: Findlaw
US Supreme Court opinion discussing the applicability of the bona fide occupational qualification defense to age discrimination.
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Keeping Your Health Care Records Private
Source: Northwest Justice Project
Explains when health care providers are permitted to disclose health care information to others without permission, what must be contained in a person's consent for release of health care information, and what people should do when health care information has been inappropriately disclosed.
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Facts About Age Discrimination
Source: Findlaw
Information about age discrimination by EEOC. Includes information about apprenticeship programs, job notices and advertisements, pre-employment inquiries, benefits, and waivers of ADEA rights.
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EEOC Issues Final Regulations Governing Waivers of Rights and Claims Under ADEA
Source: Findlaw
Articles by Carl H. Trieshmann and Charles E. Feuss discussing ADEA waivers. Includes discussion of the wording of ADEA waivers, consideration, time periods, information requirements, and burden of proof.
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Defective ADEA Waiver Will not Bar Suit
Source: Findlaw
Article by Fisher & Phillips LLP discussing when a waiver of age discriminations claims in exchange for severance or early retirement benefits are not enforceable.
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