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General Information (2)
Age of Majority (1)
At Risk Youth (5)
Student Loans (2)
Student Rights (1)
Voting (2)
Youth Education and Involvement Programs (3)

Browse all the Lawforwa Resources on Youth

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Source: National Consumers League

LifeSmarts is a classroom or group activity that teaches teens to be responsible consumers and citizens by focusing on Personal Finance, Health and Safety, Environment, Technology and Consumer Rights and Responsibilities. Teams may participate in a national competition.
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Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids--Duties and Responsibilities of Citizens
Source: United States Government Printing Office

Description of voting rights and responsibilities; why one should vote; what voters vote on in elections
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Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids--Voter Registration
Source: United States Government Printing Office

A basic explanation of who is eligible to vote, why we as citizens should vote, and how to register to vote
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The Rights of Public School Students in Washington State
Source: American Civil Liberties Union of Washington

A guide for students that provides a summary "...of the current laws which govern a student's life in Washington's public primary and secondary schools [and a description of] what can happen if a public school student violates school rules and regulations and what a student can do who believes his or her rights have been violated." Topics include: Guidelines for handling your own problems: being your own advocate; compulsory attendance; freedom of speech; the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures; student records; the right to a free public education; discipline; religious issues; and police in public schools.
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26.28 RCW Age of Majority
Source: Washington State Legislature

Revised Code of Washington listing of Age of Majority and rights of emancipation.
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