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Disabled Employees Can Now Sue for Workplace Harassment
Source: Findlaw
Article by Sherry L. Travers about a Fifth Circuit case that held that employees may sue employers for disability harassment under the ADA.
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US Airways, Inc. v. Barnett
Source: Findlaw
U.S. Supreme Court case discussing the process by which a plaintiff proves disability discrimination. The case also discusses whether an accommodation that conflicts with an established seniority system is a reasonable accommodation.
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Toyota Motor Manufacturing v. Williams
Source: Findlaw
U.S. Supreme Court decision defining what is a disability under the ADA, what is required of covered entities, and describes the burdens on the plaintiff for filing a claim under the ADA.
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Social Security Supplemental Security Income
Source: Social Security Administration
SSA site with links to information relating to Social Security Supplemental Income (SSI). Includes answers to frequently asked questions, general SSI information, laws and regulations, eligibility information, advocacy information and SSI payments.
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Facts About Religious Discrimination
Source: Findlaw
EEOC article about religious discrimination. Includes information about dress codes, "new age" training programs, and activities during holy observances.
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