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Questions answered by the resource:
How to Present a Charity Care Defense to a Lawsuit for Hospital Debt Collection
Source: Northwest Justice Project
Explains what people should do if they have been sued for hospital-based medical bills. Describes the complaint, how to answer a complaint, other documents a person should prepare when served with a complaint for medical bills, and how to assert a Charity Care defense. Includes links to sample forms which may be helpful to people sued for medical bills.
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How Dog Owners Can Avoid a Lawsuit
Source: Nolo
Describes the types of damages people may have to pay when their pet injures someone else. Lists steps pet-owners can take to avoid liability.
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How Private Is My Medical Information?
Source: Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
Comprehensive description of the extent to which a patient's medical information is private. Topics covered include what a patient's consent or waiver regarding release of medical information means, types of organizations which might require release of medical information such as insurance companies, providers of public benefits, employers, and parties in lawsuits, the Americans with Disabilities Act's limitations regarding an employer's request for medical records, steps consumers can take to protect the privacy of their medical information including how to limit waivers they may be asked to sign and how to protect medical information in legal proceedings, and how patients can get copies of their own medical records.
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Small Claims Court in Wahington State
Source: Northwest Justice Project
General information page describing the Small Claims Court process, purpose, and what a person going to Small Claims Court should expect.
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What to do if your dog is in danger of being declared "vicious," or if your dog has bitten someone who is now suing you
Source: Animal Legal Defense Fund
Materials written by Amy Blaymore Paterson describing what laws allow people to sue for damages caused by someone else's pets, what damages the pet owner might have to pay, and how the pet owner may be able to defend against or resolve the lawsuit.
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