Resource Description:
Questions answered by the resource:
Personal Injury Protection
Source: Washington State Insurance Commissioner
Explains what personal injury protection (PIP) is. Describes what limits of personal injury protection insurance companies are required to offer to consumers in Washington. Includes information designed to help consumers decide whether they should purchase personal injury protection.
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In the Driver's Seat - A Consumer's Guide to Auto Insurance
Source: Washington State Insurance Commissioner
Booklet on automobile insurance coverage in Washington. Topics covered include: what coverage limits mean; Washington's minimum liability coverage requirement; optional types of coverage including underinsured or uninsured motorist (UIM), collision and comprehensive, personal injury protection (PIP), debt and financing protection (GAP); how premiums are determined; how consumers can cut insurance costs; companies that insure high risk drivers; where consumers can find help with insurance questions; and what to do in case of an accident. Also includes ten comprehensive hypothetical rate comparisons.
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Do You Understand Your Auto Insurance Policy?
Source: Washington State Trial Lawyers Association
Explains the types of auto insurance coverage available including liability coverage, personal injury protection (PIP), underinsured motorist coverage (UIM), collision coverage, and comprehensive coverage; the minimum coverage required under Washington law; and the types of coverage insurance companies are required to offer to consumers. Also recommends specific types and amounts of coverage and explains the meaning of "no-fault" insurance. Explains what drivers and vehicles are generally covered under insurance policies. Includes a list of steps drivers should take when involved in an accident to better take advantage of insurance coverage.
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