Finding and Working with Lawyers
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In this area of lawforwa you will find links to information on how to find, hire and work with a lawyer.
Attorneys Face New Rules: The Washington State Supreme Court recently updated the official rules that govern how attorneys must act. One change, regarding attorney-client confidentiality, requires attorneys to reveal information from a client if doing so will "prevent reasonably certain death or substantial bodily harm." Read about it in .
Courts (2)
Criminal Law (1)
Family (1)
Finding a Lawyer (9)
Lawyers' Duties and Responsibilities (5)
Legal Costs (2)
Working with Lawyers (3)
 Do I Need A Lawyer?
You might decide to consult a lawyer because you are in a crisis situation ... or because you want to avoid a crisis in the future. Many law-related organizations offer useful advice for people who think they might need a lawyer but don't know where to begin.
- The American Bar Association can help you decide .
- The Access to Justice Board explains how low income individuals can get .
Information from the Washington State Bar Association on .