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Submitting Complaints About Barking Dogs or Other Noisy Animals
How do I file a complaint about barking dogs in King County?
How do I submit a complaint about noisy pets in King County?
What can I do about my neighbor’s noisy pet in King County?
How do I talk or communicate to a pet owner about their noisy animal?
What can I do about animal noises that are excessive or continuous in King County?
My neighbor's dog barks all the time -- what can I do?
My neighbor has a noisy animal or pet -- how do I get help from Animal Control?
Information offered by King County about how to deal with excessive or continuous noise from a barking dog or other noisy animal/pet. Explains how to communicate or talk with the pet owner about the noise, how to submit a complaint, what happens to the filed complaint, what to do if the noise continues, and how Animal Control will work on the issue.